Hackathon of the Hackatons - Snow Sprint

It is finally back, the hackathon, the Snow Sprint in Austria! And I am going. Looking back I reallized that it is over 10 years since the first Snow Sprint. The sprint that was a big milestone in my life. It was that sprint where I met around 50 great Plone CMS developers from all over the world. One of the best CMS of its time. I continued to work with Plone for many years, and delivering great websites to clients for many years.

Today I develop websites in the form of applications and quite few single page applications with AngularJS in frontend and Node.js, .NET. or Python in the backend. Few of these solutions also include native mobile application. Friends that I made during the snow sprints are still my friends and I was very happy to see that the team of Crate.IO is arranging the Snow Sprint again.

Why Hackathon - Snow Sprint

Since the first Snow Sprint I have been to many sprints/hackathons. I have been asked by few people why I am going to Snow Sprint and if it is vacation or work. The main reason is that it is very good education. On a hackathon you are one student where you have many great teachers who love what they do and at the same time you are a teacher for the other people there. Compare that in traditional education or course where you only have one teacher where 30 students are fighting for the attention. And you probably pay 10 times more then for a sprint. This means that during the last 10 years all my education budget I have spent on different sprints. At the same time I get to travel and have fun, which is not bad at all. This time in the Austrian Alps.

SnowSprint@Night Image: SnowSprint@Night by Christian Scholz

Snow Sprint 2015 and Cenito software

This year the Crate.IO team have their own product which is the main theme of the Snow Sprint. I am really happy to see that my friends has succeeded in launching their own product. In my persue of a product or partner I today work at Cenito Software where I have great colleagues and a startup spirit. Cenito Software works with software development, that is beautiful software development. Historically it has mainly been with Microsoft technologies like .NET. But the technology is moving and so is Microsoft and Cenito and today we work with Azure, Xamarin (.NET cross platform mobile development for iOS, Android and Windows Phone), AngularJS for web applications. I will explore how Crate.IO and Azure and .NET can play along and how we at Cenito Software can benefit from a database like Crate.IO in our Internet of Things backends that we develop for our customer.

My traveling is also part of #jobbavarduvill (#workwhereyouwant) theme. And right now I have finished my breakfast at Copenhagen Airport at the SAS Business Lunge. Traveling a lot it is important for me to streamlin e things to be so effective as possible. Today the checkin, security, breakfast and publishing this post took less then 30 minutes!