The power of not giving a shit

Not giving a shit is hard. In my last post, I wrote about letting go of how code should look, but this concept applies to everything in life—every argument, every challenge, every decision, every purchase, every trip. Every time you say yes to one thing, you’re saying no to all the other possibilities.

Learning to not give a shit about the things that aren’t truly important is crucial. If you don’t, they’ll drain your energy, and you’ll still end up accomplishing nothing worthwhile. Over the past year, I’ve really practiced this—ignoring every Slack message that doesn’t need an immediate response, avoiding the temptation of “just one more thing,” and resisting the urge to stay up late.

Now, I’m harsh with my “No’s,” and I focus on delivering results. Delivering is such an energy boost, and when I’m in the flow, I even find time to fix some of my ugly code.

The power of not giving a shit is in the clarity it brings. It helps me prioritize what truly matters, and that’s a game changer.