Unplugged thoughts

Screens. The modern Viking’s kryptonite.

Time for a raid on the old ways. Pen and paper. No WiFi. No notifications screaming for attention. The mission: Less screen, more think.

Why? To dig deeper. To find the words that hide when the cursor blinks. To raid the mind’s treasure chest.

Picture this: Swedish summer morning. Crisp air. Quiet streets. Perfect for a Zone 2 run to wake the brain. Then, a Balkan birthday bash. Because Vikings know how to party.

But what’s this got to do with blogging? Everything. Life doesn’t stop for blogs. So why should blogs stop life?

Here’s the battle plan:

  1. Write on paper. Like carving runes, but less permanent.
  2. Let AI transcribe. Because deciphering own handwriting is for monks.
  3. Quick edit. Then unleash on the internet.
# Viking blogging protocol v2.0
echo "Paper -> AI -> Edit -> Conquer"

It’s not about ditching tech. It’s about using it right. Let AI be the longship that carries thoughts from offline shores to online kingdoms.

How do you blog without getting blogged down? How do you feed the internet beast without becoming its lunch?

Remember: Great sagas come from great adventures. Not great screen time.

Now, time to test this plan in the wild. May the offline gods be with me.