The father and entreprenuer

The father and entreprenuer

Developer and entrepreneur

After I finished my Bachelor of Computer Science at Linköpings University I founded my first company with friends. We built Internet solutions where our main product was a CMS written in Perl! It was really, really good. I later continued as a small business owner building websites, intranets and ecommerce solutions based on our own Perl based CMS and later Plone, the most secure open source CMS. After few years I decided I wanted to focus on building a larger company and that meant finding people who could help out. I found more Plone developers by outsourcing development to Poland and then create a product in the ecommerce niche. Just before my current position I met the team at Game Analytics and that led to the absolutely most interesting and fun project I have been involved in since the Plone Snowsprints! It was a startup, it was python coding, it was Javascript coding, it was web and cloud, it was fun people and there was beer in the fridge!